The Japanese Society of Ryodoraku Medicine (JSRM) is acupuncture and moxibustion in main techniques. However, the understanding has a scientific study based on modern medicine (particularly neurophysiology). Our association refers to as “Ryodoraku medicine” that is similar to Meridian, or “Ryodoraku autonomic nervous system” about the function in our study field. The association consists of Physicians and Acupuncturists in almost the same number. Our purpose is the integration, fusion, and/or complementation of eastern and western medicine for cooperation. This society holds annual meeting, and the journal of “The Japanese Journal of Ryodoraku medicine” comes out three times a year, and is distributed among the members with free. We hold a lecture presentation and beginner’s course every month in Tokyo / Nagoya / Osaka (once or twice a year in other districts) for the development through friendly competition.

Society Information

Society Outline

Establishment: 1960
Members: 429=2018

Executive Committee

President: Tatsushi ITO MD
Vice-presidents:  East Japan: Shinya KATO MD, Hideki SAITO LAc West Japan: Kohei INAMORI MD, Noboru KIBI LAc
General: Hiroshi MATSUMORI LAc
Scientific: Toshiyuki KUWAHARA LAc
Planning: Takafumi YAMADA LAc
Compilation: Tetsuro TAKEUCHI LAc
Publicity & Information Support Hiroko NAGATA LAc
Members: Motoko IMAI LAc
Review: Takao SANO MD
International: Terukazu UCHIDA LAc
Treasurer: Toshiya SUZUKI LAc
Auditor: Yukio OYA LAc
Certification: Keiko HASUMI MD

Secretariat of The Japan Society of Ryodoraku Medicine

Secretariat: Hiroshi MATSUMORI LAc.
Address: c/o Life Acupuncture & Manipulative Therapeutics Clinic, 1022 Yokobuki-cho Midori-ku Nagoya-shi Aichi, 458-0816 JAPAN.
Phone: +81-52-877-5791
E-mail: info@visional-code.net
Institute Organ: The Japanese Journal of Ryodoraku Medicine = Quarterly (No.1: December, No.2: March, No.3: June, No.4: September ) Our On-line Journal(J-STAGE)is here This journal is registered with physiological science section in The Science Council of Japan formally.

Members Registration

Regulation to get Membership of JSRM

JSRM membership Registration (Download)

Please fill necessary article to each column of membership application document (attached) and send by postal mail to JSRM secretariat. Membership registration fee (check) should be send together with the document : Yearly membership fee 15,000 Registration fee should be send to the following Bank account.

Nippon Ryodoraku Jiritsushinkei Gakkai (= JSRM) Mitsubishi Tokyo UFJ Bank Branch : Inuyama ( 704 ) Account number : 0012054 Swift BOTKJPJT

We send Ryodoraku member’s certificate (ID, PASS) and Ryodoraku basic textbook (English) after we confirm your money received.

Regulation of delivery on Ryodoraku doctor/master certificate for overseas

Kinds of certificates

There are two certificates for Medical doctor and Dental doctor: Authorized Ryodoraku doctor certificate, Authorized Ryodoraku specialist doctor certificate. There are two certificates for Licenced Acupuncturist and Licenced Moxibutionist: Authorized Ryodoraku Master certificate, Authorized Ryodoraku specialist master certificate.

Certificate delivered requirement

More than three attendances of academic conference of J.S.R.M, Doctor can be delivered Ryodoraku doctor certificate, Licenced Acupuncturist or Licenced Moxibutionist can be delivered Ryodoraku Master certificate. More than five attendances of academic conference of J.S.R.M, Doctor can be delivered Ryodoraku specialist doctor, Licenced Acupuncturist or Licenced Moxibutionist can be delivered Ryodoraku specialist Master certificate. Ryodoraku specialist doctor and Ryodoraku specialist Master Licenced Acupuncturist or Moxibutionist and over assigned to remain unchanged forever.

Application procedure

Procedure of application on certificate is that you should full necessary column to formatted paper, And you should prepare a copy of your license and certificate of attendance on academic conference of J.S.R.M with application fee. Then you send these packages to the president of J.S.R.M.


Authorized Ryodoraku doctor/master certificate: 60,000

Registration fee

Authorized Ryodoraku specialist doctor/master certificate: 100,000

Available period

Each certificate effects five years. You have passed more than five years; you can acquire authorized Ryodoraku specialist doctor or master certificate. In case of application you should acquire more than 80 academic units. (Cf.) You should necessary column to special formatted paper for application. You should write necessary column to special formatted paper for application and send application paper with registration fee 50,000 to the president of J.S.R.M.

Attached regulation

Another limiting about the registration of Ryodoraku doctor certificate beside the former should be based on the regulation of Ryodoraku doctor certificate established by J.S.R.M. This regulation is available from the first day of the next month when this regulation has published on the Journal of J.S.R.M. Application for Certification Credit Download

(Cf.) Academic units

1. Academic congress of J.S.R.M attendance: 20 units

2. A presentation of Academic congress of J.S.R.M: Attendance + 10 units

3. Ryodoraku seminar of J.S.R.M attendance: 10 units

4. A presentation of Ryodoraku seminar of J.S.R.M: Attendance + 10 units

5. Paper contribution to The Journal of J.S.R.M: 15 units

6. A contribution to another science Journal (about Ryodoraku): 10 units

Application form of Ryodoraku certificate acceptation: Download

1. Send filled application forms with attached papers to the office of J.S.R.M.

Ryodoraku Seminar

Ryodoraku specialist doctor or master can hold Ryodoraku Seminar of J.S.R.M official recognition under a directive of J.S.R.M international department. An application of Ryodoraku Seminar holding. Download

Congress Guideline

The 74nd Congress of JSRM in Fukuoka


Theme of the Congress : The shin is acupuncture, and the acupuncture of the heart Organizers : Japanese Society of Ryodoraku Medicine (JSRM) JSRM Chairman : Tatsushi ITO MD. Ph.D Congress Chairman : Junji MIHARA. M.D. Congress Date : 16(Sat.) -17(San.) , November 2024


Congress : Fukuokairyo  Medical College
3-1, Ibara, Sagara-ku, Fukuoka City, Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan
Phone : +81-92-833-6120 Web: https://www.jusei.ac.jp/


Member : 10,000 JPY, Non Member : 13,000JPY, Student : 2,000JPY,

Congress Secretariat

Masafumi TAKAKURA Reiko OSANAI e-mail : メール TEL: +81-943-32-9100 JAPAN